The **BBA Studios is recruiting FREELANCERS. Animation training scheme is ongoing too. Click the heading of interest for more details.
We welcome employees and partners, supporting B2B services in meeting customers'needs. We are globally inclined so, our employees/partners don't have to be physically enclosed with us.
Art is inborn but perfection can be learnt. We offer platforms to learn or improve on art skills and gain employment with us to utilize these new skills. This is a great way to turn your passion into a revenue stream.
We offer B2C and B2B services with professional enthusiasm and do not breed unhealthy competitions as ours is a creative industry, too wide to be monopolized by anyone. So, entrust us with your next project!
Watch before anything else
For Train and/or Recruit applicants
According to our set classifications
Check to review skills still available for grab
Some basic background you should have based on interested skills
Know the training fees and REGISTER through here
Watch before anything else
Click to know when we launch so you can book or check back by then.
Click to read about 2D & 3D animation job opportunities.
Click to read about our forthcoming affiliate opportunities
The beginning of our journey is way before this timeline but we can significantly point to this as we attempted to start artistic endeavours in Calabar with the onset of a playhouse
The place for training can never end in the pursuit of perfection. Within this period, we intensively pursued degrees in Theatre and Media Studies, Arts and Animations. The learning continues...
Here we are today with an opportunity to be many things in the world of art with the primary focus of providing economic, social, corporate, educational and personalized solutions to emerging problems of our times
Creative Head
Exec. Head, Business Development & Strategy
Lead Concept/Music Artist
Our drive is indept, our passion is divine, our skills are prepped.